
Messaging guide and homepage

With this white-label writing package, you get:

A full messaging guide (Complete with brand narrative, extra story elements for your client to use when prospects are deeper into their sales funnels, and elevator pitch.)

Homepage wireframe (Follows a proven framework. Elements include header, subheading, CTA, transitional CTA, stakes, plan, value proposition, elements of success, services stack, explanatory paragraph and an 'about us' paragraph.)

Filling in the foundation

With this package, you get:

Wireframes for two interior webpages (Typically the About and Services pages, both following a proven framework.)

Lead generator copy (Downloadable sales- or lead-generating asset, typically 350-850 words)

Five sales funnel emails (Following a proven framework.)

A la carte

Sometimes you just need a wireframe done.

I get it.

After I've written your client's foundational messaging, I'm happy to help with landing pages, a blog post that can be repurposed for social media, and much more.


Need professional insight on a specific project?

Book an hour of time and get the support you need to finish (and polish) your project.

Over the the last year and a half Amy has given me and our non-profit priceless feedback on building out our story. She helped us to see who the hero was in the case of fundraising, partnering and relationship building.

--Kelvin Manurs, Arm & Arm

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